Saturday, August 14, 2010

Doing the Dishes

I live in a house with only one other person, and he works at least 45 hours a week outside of the home. He is also a wonderfully neat, helpful, man who helps out around the house on occasion, especially when I ask him too! This means that when I'm cleaning up, I'm really cleaning at least 60% of my own mess. (My math)

So I get a little cranky when I have to do at least two loads of dishes a day. I mean, really, I have a dishwasher, I have a husband, why do I have to do the damn dishes so often?

My problem is that I LOVE to cook. I'll make an omelet for breakfast (cutting board, knife, bowl and whisk for eggs, pan, spatula, plate and fork), a salad for lunch (knife, cutting board, plate, fork), and a full dinner. That is at least 2 loads of dishes.

Now I don't make those things everyday, but at least 4 times a week I'm cooking 3 meals a day. And on other days, I'm baking, canning, cooking for the week to freeze, that sort of thing.

I have no solution but just wanted to complain about it for a minute! I guess I could go from running the dish washer once a week to once a day, but I hate this idea for 2 reasons. One, it wastes water and two, I hate unloading the dishwasher more than I hate washing dishes!!!

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