Saturday, August 14, 2010

Dream Analysis

A funny thing happened last night! It was one of those moments where I woke up, and what I dreamed perfectly illustrated a point that I tried to make to my husband. It was like "aha" I was right and this proves it. Unfortunately, he didn't see it that way!


We do the international thermostat dance of love. I'm usually chilly (or at least comfortable) and he is ALWAYS burning up. Having the fan blowing on me, especially when sleeping, really irritates my lungs so we can never seem to get our acts together temperature wise. I've tried valiantly to turn the air off at night so we can save both energy and money. This has worked out pretty well, although on occasion my husband has had to go sleep in the spare room with the fan on full blast. I am suspicious of this act, because I'm always covered up with at least one quilt and sometimes two, so I think he is over-reacting!

Anyways, back to my story. He is always getting on me about sleeping with a blanket in the summer. He doesn't understand that I can't sleep comfortable without being covered up. Just the other day, I was trying to explain to him how it was sort of a mental thing. I remember being a kid and being scared of the "monster under my bed". I always felt like if I was covered up, I was safe. If I had a foot sticking out or something, I was sure it would "get me".

He thought I was crazy and made fun of me. (It sounds worse than it was, we have a special sort of couple humor...I make fun of his stuff too!)

Fire Pictures, Images and Photos

So last night before we went to bed...he earnestly explained to me how he had been suffering terrible all summer and just couldn't sleep with the air off anymore. I took pity on him, and agreed to leave it on and not give him a hard time about it.

So we went to bed with the air on! I had a few glasses of wine and actually fell asleep over the covers (total shocker cause with no alcohol I could never sleep that way).

Well, my dream was very interesting. First I was in a warehouse made of all windows. I was going about my business there...totally naked. I was aware the whole time that I was on display and couldn't do anything about it. Then, in my dream, I left the warehouse to walk back "home". I suddenly had clothes, but I was being followed by some men who seemed to be up to no good. I was running away and could hear them coming closer and closer to me.

Then I woke up.

I fell asleep with no covers and dreamed that I was "on display" and "unsafe". To me, that is total validation that I subconsciously NEED to be covered up to sleep.

Ah but my sweet husband rolled his eyes, sighed, and continued to read the paper! Jerk, I listen to his stupid dreams....;)

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