Friday, July 15, 2011

Publix trip

Yay!  Publix has eight o'clock coffee BOGO this week.  Last time it was on sale, I only bought 4 because I was broke and we were VERY close to running out.  So, although I didn't really need anything, I went there for the coffee (and a few other things). 

I bought:
9 bags of coffee (BOGO) used 3 $2/2 and 3 $1/1 Q's, paid $2.49 a bag
1 bag Santitas corn chips $2
3 Pop tarts (BOGO), used $2/3 Q, paid $4 for 3
3 frosted mini wheat's (BOGO) used $2.25/3, paid $1.07 a box
3 Crayola crayons $.33 a box
1 Publix bran flakes, penny item

I spent $31.01
I saved $57.98 (about 66%)

1 comment:

  1. I picked up the coffee on sale also but at my Publix each Eight O'Clock bag had a coupon for a free bag of Milano cookies!

    Sue M
