Monday, November 1, 2010

October Budget Review

Here's an overview of how much I had planned on spending on EVERYTHING this month and how it actually worked out. Our retirement and medical premium is taken out already.

Savings Account: planned/actual: $400

Household Expenses: (mortgage, utilities, garbage, Internet...)
                                  planned: $1388 actual: $1336.36
Credit/Loan Payments: (includes gym membership, credit card, student loan, personal loan)
                                 planned: $585.52 actual: $585.52

Cars: (including car payment, insurance, gas, maintenance)
                 planned: $421.5 actual: $423.93
Groceries/Drug Store: planned $300 actual: $334.37
Entertainment: planned: $300 actual: $231.21
Spending Money: planned: $300 actual: $300

Other: including vet bill, charity, home improvement tools: $142.87

Total Expenses: $3754.26
Total Income: $3889.89
Excess: $135.63
I am very pleased we have a bit of money left over this month.  Adding to the 200 from last month, we've got a good start on an unexpected trip.  I just found out my sister is getting married in 2 months 12 hours north of us.  This brought on lots of anxiety for me about money.  I started stressing about money for Christmas, travelling, and all the extra things I'll have to throw at the wedding to make it special like hair, tanning, nails, champagne, wedding present.  Although it'll be a small wedding, I want my sister to feel special!

I sat down and jotted down all the extra things I'd need money for and adjusted our Nov/Dec budgets for it.  Now I feel like I have control and we can do what we need to do.  I will have to skip the savings account in December to make it happen, which I"m not thrilled about, but it's doable.

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