Basically the day before I made sure the house was clean and the laundry was done, that way, I wouldn't have to do anything I really didn't want to. I did not have to work, so my whole day was free. Now, 20 minutes into my morning I did have to clean up dog poop, and I also did a load of dishes, but that was more so I could look at a nice clean kitchen.
I enjoyed my coffee, played with the pooch, and watched my recorded programs on TV all morning. I showered about 11:00 so I could be clean and beautiful for my Kohl's shopping trip. I had $60 sent to me by my parents and grandparents, so I bought 3 shirts at Kohl's, got $10 Kohl's cash back, and got a pair of corduroy's at the good will. I spent 59.63!
Go home around 3:00, and waited for my husband. We hung out awhile and then headed out to my all time new favorite restaurant. I had a $25.00 off of a $35.00 purchase (from and we used it right!
ME: 1 glass of pinot, cornbread, catfish nuggets, shrimp and grits, white chocolate bread pudding
HUSBAND: 1 Newcastle Ale, cornbread, shared nuggets, steakhouse pasta, shared bread pudding
After tip, we still spend $44.00 but we got our money's worth!
Then, we went to a local bar and played trivia. We tied for first place, but then got second when we blew the tiebreaker question. Oh well, we were ready to leave and could have never spent the extra prize money anyway!

Great day, and here's a shot of what my sweet husband brought home.

I love flowers!
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